Wednesday, March 14, 2012

MS Tech: Review Questions.

Answer in word.
1.       What does CPU stand for?
2.       What are 2 examples of programming languages?
3.       Name two things you will need if you want to apply to a job as a graphic designer.
4.       What are computer input devices?
5.       What are computer output devices?
6.       What kind of program would you use to type a letter (not looking for a brand name)?
7.       What kind of program would you use to create a poster (not looking for a brand name)?
8.       Using bits and bytes in different combinations to represent a code is known as _______.
9.       Identify the Parts of the computer:
a.       I am the brain of the computer.
b.      I hold all of the other circuit boards.
c.       I handle all of the graphics that are displayed on the monitor.
d.      I have a good memory. I can read but can’t write
e.      I can read and write; but as soon as you turn off the computer, I forget everything .
f.        I get  electricity into the computer
g.       I wake up the computer and remind it what to do.
10.   Show me the basic structure of HTML code.
11.   How many…
a.       Bytes in a Kilobyte
b.      Kilobytes in a Megabyte
c.       Megabytes in a Gigabyte
d.      Megabytes can a DVD hold?
e.      How many Kilobytes can a CD hold?
12.   CD’s use _________ & _________  to store information on the disks surface.
13.   When talking about a hard drive what does RPM stand for?
14.   It is important to keep _______ away from computers because it can destroy information on the hard drive.
15.   Explain how a hard drive works.
16.   Am I an input or an output device?
a.       Monitor
b.      Keyboard
c.       Scanner
d.      Graphics Tablet
e.      Trackball
f.        Laser Printer
g.       Mouse
h.      Speakers
i.         Inkjet Printer
j.        Digital Camera
k.       Touchpad
17.   What should you do if you are being cyber bullied?
18.   What is the most important thing you learned from Steve Jobs speech at Stanford?
19.   Who founded Microsoft?
20.   People who write codes to create computer programs are known as computer _____________.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

MS TECH: Marketing Project

You are to design a new product. It can be anything that they think would satisfy a consumer’s wants or desires. You should include a drawing of their product. You can use any computer program that you wish. You will also need to have at least one paragraph describing what their product is/what it can be used for. You will also need to come up with a slogan for their product. This should be written on the bottom of their drawing.