Friday, April 20, 2012

Computer Apps: Computer Animation - Power Point Culminating Project

Google: Pixar
Discussion Pixar
Video: watch until about 3:48
Discussion: Technology & Creativity
Software –
Discussion Preproduction & Storyboarding:

Culminating PowerPoint Project:
You are going to use PowerPoint to create your own animated story book. You should try to create an animated story like they do at Pixar. You will need to create a storyboard on a separate sheet of paper. I really want to see how deep your knowledge of Power Point goes.  You should pull out all of the “bells and whistles” with this project. But you should not add an animation or effect “just because” – everything you do should have a purpose. The ultimate purpose is to tell and support your story. You will be sharing your story with the entire class.
Your  PowerPoint Should Include:
1.       At least 10 slides  (you can certainly use more)
2.       Every slide should have some animation
3.       You should use slide transitions where appropriate  
4.       You should use backgrounds that supports your story
5.       You should use clip art on every slide
6.       You should use shapes (callouts etc)
7.       At least two characters
8.       You will also need to turn in your story board/preproduction notes

Thursday, April 12, 2012

MS TECH: Powerpoint Storybook

You will be creating a PowerPoint presentation about
internet safety and cyberbulling for 4th/5th grade students. I want you to design this as a story. Think of this project as a picture book with animation.

1.  You must have at least 5 slides
2.  The first slide will be your title slide
3.  You will need to explain cyberbullying.
4.  You will need to talk about the dangers of the internet (It is not private etc)
5.  You need to talk about the dangers of social networking (Facebook)
6.  You will need to tell them what to do if they are a victim of cyberbullying
7.  Your presentation must be age appropriate
8.   You should include animation
9.   You should include clipart
11. You will be showing your presentation to the entire class.
12. You will need to print off your presentation as a "Handout" to turn into me.

How will you be graded?

1.  Is your project complete? (5 slides, meets requirements)
2.  Creativity
3.  Accuracy of info on slides
4.  This will be a 100 point project. This is equivalent to a test grade so you need to do your best work.

-        I plan on this project taking at least a couple of class periods. Depending on how hard you are working we will increase or decrease the amount of class time working on the project.