Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Lesson One Blog

This week I learned about the importance of technology in the classroom. As teachers we need to use technology to enhance and aid classroom learning in our subject area. We also need to prepare our students to use new technologies in their daily lives. To do this we must follow the 21st Century standards to prepare our students for a world which is increasingly technology dependent. I also learned about the need to understand the different theories on learning when deciding how to best implement technology in the classroom. I believe that NETS standard one for teachers and students is very important in the modern classroom. Using creative practices helps teachers to move away from an outdated view of learning. This helps to address Gardeners view of multiple intelligences and provides a more holistic approach to teaching.
Even before beginning this class I had decided to try to incorporate as much technology into my classroom as possible.  I believe that if you can start implementing technology into your planning from the beginning of your career you will be much more likely to use it throughout your time of service. One way that I know that I want to start using technology immediately in the classroom is the through the use of a class webpage. This webpage will serve multiple purposes. First and foremost it will be a communication tool with parents. This will help me to meet NETS for teachers standard three. It will model for my students the importance of using technology to communicate important information. This website will be a place for parents to be informed about what is happening in their child’s classroom. It can also act as a portal for students to link to web based activities or videos. I have also looked with some interest at a piece of software called Adobe Collaborate.
I can foresee many difficulties in implementing technology in the classroom. The biggest challenge is obviously money. Technology can be very expensive.  Another possible issue would be working with district technology staff for access to necessary tools such as web server space. A specific problem to the classroom webpage is that it can be very time consuming keeping a website up to date. To solve the money problems, I can work with the board of education to obtain additional funding. Another option would be to look for grant money opportunities. As far as dealing with the technology staff, I plan to develop a good working relationship with the key technology personnel to help avoid any major issues.
To help alleviate the workload associated with updating the website I intend to enlist the help of my students. This will allow them the chance to work on many of the NETS standards for students. By taking turns acting as “class reporters” it will not only allow them to practice writing skills but will also help them to meet NETS standard two specifically and also standards four and six.

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