Monday, September 5, 2011

MS TECH - Study Time - Scheduling & Time Management

1) Intro Video

2) How organized are you?


6-10:  Terrible Planner. 
You should consider using new tools and processes to help you plan effectively. A great first step would be to take a time management course.

11-15:  Below average planner. 
You may already have a planning system, but using it more effectively will help to reduce the stress and lack of control you feel in your life.

16-20:  Average planner. 
Your planning system is working, but you can do better. You may need help focusing on priorities, dealing with urgent interruptions or writing your daily plan.

21-25:  Above-average planner. 
Your planning system is working well.  Keep up the good work, with periodic reviews to be sure you’re planning around what matters most in your life.

26-30:  Excellent planner--or candidate for burnout? 
You have mastered planning and should experience the serenity that comes from taking charge of your life.  But make sure you’re in control of your planning rather than letting it control you.

3) How much time do you spend...?
2) Your Daily Schedule:

On your notes write the 4 things you spend the most time doing from greatest to least. Be sure to include how much time you spend on these activities. Respond to your findings

Note Links:

Scheduling Tips:

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