Monday, October 24, 2011

Computer Apps - Technology Innovators Research Project

You will be writing a short research paper on a technology innovator of your choice. Today you will be gathering preliminary research on possible innovators. I want you to start your research by reading the article below:
After reading the article, I want you to pick three of these innovators to do further research.  You will use the internet to see if there are enough REPUTIBLE sources for that innovator. Wikipedia does not count as a reputable source. You need at least three sources for your paper. You do not have to find them all today, however, you do need to know whether or not there is enough information on your subject to complete your paper.

DUE at the end of class: A list of three possible innovators for your research project. You will need to include 2 or 3 sentences for each describing why you are interested in researching that person.

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